One Life Left -- s06e18 -- #138 -- Party Games

Published: Dec. 16, 2010, 1:09 a.m.

It's the final show of 2010! A time to draw upon everything we've learnt this year and celebrate what a great / terrible year it's been for videogames (which? Help us out). A time, too, to reflect on our personal triumphs and disasters and to produce one more: former or latter, it's One Life Left #138.




In this Episode (which has far more to do with parties than games):


++ Ste and Simon return from three days of drinking at All Tomorrows Parties, stumbling croak-voiced through the episode, guided by Ann and her celebratory mince pies


++ Simon interviews Edgar Wright! That is actually true. The mince pies thing is true too, but still.


++ Ann recalls the best news stories of the year and invents a new party game to do with numbers! She genuinely saves this episode. 


Good on her. And good on you, too, for listening to us in 2010. We've had a wonderful time and are totally grateful for all your letters, tweets, comments and downloads. We'll thank you properly at our CHRISTMAS PARTY, which is this Saturday in London. Please come. Facebook link is here:


We'll see you there. Happy Christmas, New Year and everything else,


Ste, Simon and Ann
