One Life Left -- s06e05 -- #124 -- Training Day

Published: Aug. 4, 2010, 11:47 p.m.

You can tell there's a problem from the very start. Only five episodes into the new season and the team have reverted to the old theme. Something's gone wrong. But what? Or who? And what happens next?


Find out in this week's exciting episode of (sometimes partially) videogame radio show One Life Left.


Also in #125:


++ A barely-thought-through pitch for a videogame is made and softly rejected


++ A challenge is set for next week's OLL (and there's a theme for the letter's section too)


++ It's difficult to remember, really. It was all a bit frantic


Music this episode from J8b!t and DEADBEATBLAST. And AN Other, too. Any help?


One Life Left is at The Big Chill this Saturday. I know, we're surprised, too. Find us at the Swap Meet area on the Friday and Saturday. 


As usual, follow us on Twitter, tell your friends, subscribe to the podcast and email us.


See you Monday for the last OLL for a few weeks.


Team OLL
