One Life Left -- s06e04 -- #124 -- No Future

Published: July 29, 2010, 12:08 a.m.

"No Future!" sang some pop group, once, and maybe they were singing about OLL #124, where's News Editor Duncan Geere joins the team to talk about what happens next. What happens next? The same thing as last time, apparently, but in 3D!!!!! OMG.


Also on #124:


++ Ste begins the show in a bit of a mood and talks about videogames far too much


++ Ann promises to do an Ann Art for next week. You might have to remind her


++ Simon holds OLL's first ever live Twitter competition. You really should be following us


Music from Device, Coda + Cancel and -- apparently -- "Ant1", although I'm still struggling with that. All help appreciated.


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See you on Monday!


Team OLL
