One Life Left -- s06e03 -- #123 -- Gossip Boys

Published: July 21, 2010, 11:56 p.m.

This episode we're joined by Gamesbrief's Nicholas Lovell, who has just written a book on How To Publish A Game. Intrigued? Intimidated? Don't worry; highbrow discussion falls to lowbrow gossip pretty soon, including one especially salacious item involving Mark 'Unreal' Rein and a baby.


Also in episode #123, which we really should have done something special for but we didn't remember:


++ Ann learns something about Hello Games


++ Simon instigates a new Listener Recruitment Programme


++ Ste (eventually) recalls how alcohol brought about what might be the worst decision in One Life Left's history


Talking of which, Simon's at Nottingham Game City nights tomorrow, so if you have a moment go and see him.


Music in #123 from Anamanaguchi, Smiletron and Grilly. Please do tell your friends / blogs / followers / whatevers about One Life Left, because we depend on word of mouth for warmth and comfort. We'll be back live on Monday at 7pm, or you can wait for the podcast to come out on Thursday. 


See you then.


Team OLL 
