One Life Left -- s05e24 -- #120 -- No Chickens

Published: Feb. 3, 2010, 1:30 a.m.

So this is it, then, the final episode of our award-winning fifth season. We all knew it was coming, especially Ann, who can count. Sing along to the theme, grab a handkerchief, say your goodbyes: it's going to be emotional, that's for sure. 


In episode #120 of San Antonio's favourite videogame radio show:

++ Figuratively billions of features from all our favourite contributors, including special season-closing songs from Derek Williams and The Doyouinverts

++ Steven Poole reveals the three rules every good troll must follow

++ Season 5 ends :(

But don't worry, because we'll be back soon. There'll be bits and bobs on the podcast feed in the meantime, and do keep listening to Resonance because it's excellent. We'll see you in March. Bango!

Team OLL 

PS: Music on #120 was from the brilliant little scale and Derris-Kharlan. Find them, like so much of the music we play, at