One Life Left -- s05e18 -- #114 -- Press Gang

Published: Dec. 2, 2009, 8:12 p.m.

Episode #118 of One Life Left brings the gang back together: Ste's back from Venice and Simon's back from a fact-finding mission to Gamespot. Ann hasn't been anywhere, but that doesn't stop her delivering a world exclusive from nowhere in the letters section... This week they're joined by another special guest. It's one of the secret rulers of the games industry: Steve Owen from Gamespress. Press, you see? Press and gang. Press gang! Right. Rather than spoiling the rest of the episode, which features a bonus Craig the Rage that wasn't in the live show, here are three things you should remember to do in December: 1) Come to our Christmas party 2) Come to our Christmas party 3) Come to our Christmas party. We'll see you there. Music in #114 from the Depreciation Guild. Find us on Twitter / Facebook. Oh, and tell your friends! See you next week. Team OLL xxx