One Life Left -- s05e06 -- #102 -- OLL, O.B.E.

Published: Aug. 3, 2009, 11:40 p.m.

Not to be competitive, here, but how many videogame radio shows can say they've had an Officer of the British Empire as their weekly superguest? We're betting one. And, what ho, chaps, it's this one:

Ian Livingstone, President 4 Lyfe of Eidos, Fighting Fantasy hero and founder of Games Workshop stops by the Resonance FM studios for a chat with the team about life, games, and turning to page 73 to find out.

In this week's show:
* Controversy! As Ian Livingstone DECLARES outright favouritism for a system!
* Intrigue! As Taliah meets a boy!
* Predictability! As Ann 'gets' Twitter, after some explanation.

Plus news, reviews, letters (there was a prize this week so get writing), music (Hash Pipe / Seal of Quality and Charizard / Zantos!), etc.

You'll note a little bit of The Bike Show at the start of the podcast. It is, obviously, One Life Left's favourite show about bikes ever, ever but it's also worth listening to even if you've no interest in the subject. That's one of the things we've always hoped to do with OLL. It's definitely true here. Try it.

See you!