One Life Left -- s05e05 -- #101 -- Standing Room Only

Published: July 27, 2009, 11:28 p.m.

Summertime and the living is easy. The radio presenting not so much, thanks to the hottest studio since the bad old days of '06 and an impromptu physical challenge. Welcome to a giggly, grouchy, fractious, slightly unbalanced One Life Left. In this week's show: * Returning special guest Leo Tan pops in to tell us about The Gathering, Capcom's nerd sanctuary in London where One Life Left plan to drink and play games for free! * More diaphragm than ever! As the team attempt to complete the whole show standing up as if they were four Chris Moyles, except somewhat more tolerable * Twitter! Wah wah wah twitter this wah wah wah onelifeleft / steishere / byronicman / scanters wah wah wah wah wah. Also you might notice some L/R balance issues, especially in the theme at the end. Stick with it though, there's an Easter Egg there. Music on 101: PLEASE SEND US INTERESTING THINGS. Either phonecalls, emails, letters or whatever. Your contributions (and those of our amazing feature contributors, and the music, and the other bits that aren't us) make the show. So go, go, go.