One Life Left -- s04e16 -- #88 -- Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad

Published: Jan. 6, 2009, 12:01 p.m.

It's a reasonably Happy New Year as two-thirds of One Life Left mark their first day back in the office with resolutions, chat, songs, mistakes and one off-the-cuff comment we regret (cut from this podcast; you really should try and listen live).

Yes, OLL is back with a bang, though not as big a bang as it would be had Ste returned from his holidays in time. He's stuck in Lapland, arguing with Father Christmas about the existence of Peter Molyneux.

So cue emergency call to I'm Dave Green, who ably fills Simon's shoes whilst Simon occupies Ste's red high heels and pretty dress.

This week's show is filled to the brim with actual gaming chat about games, a special "best-of" 2008's news special with Ann (who's ill), a special Derek Williams' Free Market Economy with Derek Williams (who's poorly), a very special Craig "The Rage" McClellan with Craig "The Rage" McClellan (who's sick), a distraught Taliah, and, well, spoilers etc.

One thing we're certainly not spoilerising is the identity of our incredibly incredible special guest next week, who's reasonably certain he'll make it. A few clues inside; join the speculation on the forum, but whatever you do, do send us stuff to ask him or her (it's him).

Music this week is:

• An excellent Super Shinobi/Madonna mashup by Brian Flanagan (cut short on the show: download the full version from the site shortly)
• Fever, by show-saver Spencer Lee
• The loading music to a classic C64 s-s-s-shmup by Rob Hubbard.

Apologies to those who sent musical contributions (and we're unsure of whether we can name); we should have played your songs, but Simon panicked at the desk and forgot his running order. They're in the bank, so to speak.

Normal service will be resumed next week, when Stephen! returns, just in time to welcome (hopefully!) our very, very, very special guest.