One Life Left -- s04e13 -- #85 -- Bucks Fizz

Published: Dec. 2, 2008, 12:50 p.m.

Bucks Fizz -- champagne cut with orange juice for reasons of cost masked by reasons of taste; the sort of drink you have at a company party just before everyone gets fired or a wedding where there's nothing to celebrate. And this is the episode just after the One Life Left Christmas Party, and the apologies section is back. Uh oh...

Whatever! The past is the past, literally unbroadcastable or otherwise, and the future is here right now. Five features, including a new song by some time best-friend-of-the-show Spencer Lee and a Very Christmas Craig The Rage.

And today marks an important point in One Life Left's history -- the launch of our very first CD, as press-released on Eurogamer here. You can buy it from Amazon here. Please buy it from Amazon. It is seven quid. Buy it now! BUY IT NOW. Then we can make another one.

Apologies for the broken mic problems near the end, which stopped Ste from being as enthusiastic as he'd like about Think Quick.

Music on #85:

Umbrella by electronicMESS
The Opposite of Sick of You by Think Quick

See you!