One Life Left -- s03e14 -- #62 -- Speccy Eight Eyes

Published: Jan. 26, 2008, 6:55 p.m.

Speccy because this week's One Life Left is a Spectrum Special, obviously, but eight eyes? Two eyes per person and none of us are wearing glasses which means this week we have a guest. It's One Life Left's resident expert, Dave Green, and he's here to talk Ann through a bit of gaming history. Enjoy the live loading sounds and try and play with the team as they guess what decades-old televisual delights Dave's brought with him in his big sack of retro.

He genuinely does have a big sack of retro. It took him a while to pack up and he made small talk with the Resonance FM show that follows us which is more than we've every managed. Turns out an expert in everything is an expert in smooth, too.

Sorry for the delay to this week's podcast. Straight after the show Ste went to Milan and left the uploading in Simon's more-than-capable hands. Unfortunately hands aren't enough in the modern age and first computers, then internet connection, then God-knows-what else let him down and led to a four-day-delay. If it happens again you'd do well to check the Facebook (you're a member by now, right? Or are you one of the people who left last week?) or One Life Left's sister blog, The Triforce Dot Com, for further updates.

So, listen, struggle past the slightly slow start and into an hour-and-a-minute of news, reviews, features, nostalgia, anecdotes and circuit bending. While you're listening, join our Facebook Group and make up for the leavers by clicking here, or identify yourself as a fan to others on that same slightly-too-ubiquitous-for-comfort-now site by clicking here. Our MySpace is here and clicking around our friends list there is a good way to find out about the bands on the show. The OLL forum is here (and mostly talking about Advance Wars) and if you want to email us you can do so at the address in the show: team at one life