One Life Left Presents: Nolan Bushnell ‘My Life In Videogames’ recorded at BAFTA

Published: March 23, 2009, 9:31 p.m.

It’s another One Life Left special, as we meet Nolan “the father of videogames” Bushnell ahead of his brilliant BAFTA presentation: “My life in videogames.”


After a quick interview, we’ve the full, unedited session, so you can experience the event as if you were there. Turn off your mobile phones!


Laugh! As Nolan reveals secrets behind the development of Pong!

Cry! As Bushnell reveals some of the things he did wrong when developing the Atari 2600.

Pretend you’re  blind and deaf! When you realise the videos weren’t recorded, so you have to imagine what they were like.


It was a top evening, and one you’re all able to enjoy thanks to BAFTA’s generosity.


Keep an eye on the BAFTA site for more brilliant games-events worth attending.


We’re hoping to do more specials throughout the year, so make sure you’re subscribed through iTunes or the RSS button on the side. It’s our gift to you, because we love you.