One Life Left at Nordic Games #2 -- 11/06/12

Published: June 11, 2012, 8:20 p.m.

So it's our second day at Nordic Games and this time we present death from above. Er, we mean Nordic videogame conference news and interviews from above.

Ste tells us what he got up to in his bedroom, Simon tells us about breakfast cutlery and Ann tells us where go to drinking after you leave the after party (again).

We manage to trick a few people into becoming FOTS and get all kinds of EXCLUSIVES from them, but mostly we try to get them to insult Ste's presentation. Simon also tells us about how he wants to get into snuff. We hope he means that thing you sniff and not those types of movies, but if it's only him on the show next time then you'll have your answer.

Thanks again to Nordic Games for allowing us back into their conference, especially after what happened last time we went.

Team OLL x