One Life Left 12th Feb 2018

Published: Feb. 14, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Roses are red

Violets are flowers

Missed One Life Left?

Then enjoy this hour's


Hi Listeners.

HUGE Apologies for being so tardy with the podcast so far this year. All have us have been so busy, we’ve neglected our duty to you, our biggest fan.

We have found a short-term solution, though – one of us has been sacked from show and forced to upload the podcast, which also involves writing this bit. See if you can guess who.

This week, the show features Ste and Ann talking about stuff, which includes videogames and probably Marioke. I dunno, I haven’t heard it, I have a baby. Ste said I could do this bit whilst literally holding it but that’s not true. Have you ever held a baby? It takes, at the very least, half of your arms.

Anyway, I’m going to upload this now. I hope you enjoy it.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love from,

Ste, Simon, Ann

PS: Please help support Resonance FM - head to the fundraiser site here