SCOTUS Pirvacy and Sales Tax, the EU and Memes, Project Debater AI takes on Humanity

Published: June 26, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

In today’s On the SPOT News Brief, Jay Leask and Craig Jahnke  review some recent SCOTUS decisions, dabble in politics, and discuss the probability of the Machine's taking over the world through civil debate and mind control.  Today's source material, and a few others mentioned in passing, are found below: SCOTUS says your privacy data is yours - go get a warrant -- SCOTUS says it's a State's right to tax your internet purchase -- EU Article 13 wants to block your meme - or something like that -- The GitHub 100 say "It's us or ICE" -- IBM's Project Debater AI changes your mind - and here come the machines -- Microsoft aquires FlipGrid -- Microsoft publishes open research data sets