72 - Chats with Pav - Chris Anstey on how athletes can impact business leadership

Published: March 5, 2021, 1:13 a.m.

Chris Anstey’s size 18 feet have been all around the globe.

The former first round pick in the 1997 NBA Draft joins Matthew Pavlich on Chats with Pav, reflecting on his athletic upbringing, the behaviours that involve embracing opportunity and being undefeated against Michael Jordan.

Nowadays Anstey utilises his experiences to leadership and consultancy roles drawing on the parallels between elite sport and business with regard to personal best, leadership, opportunity, culture and habits of effective teams and individuals.

“My decision just to try, opened up opportunity, just by being noticed that I was working hard”

Chris holds Ambassador roles with La Trobe Financial and the SEDA Group, where he works with managers and leaders in industry.

A self described ‘story teller’, Anstey elaborates on the consistency of effort and approach, his biggest what if and his biggest lessons from sport inspiring his career today.

The Off-Field podcast is produced by Pickstar.

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