Why a logjam in An Bord Pleanala has stalled the future of 29,000 housing units

Published: Jan. 26, 2023, 8 a.m.

b'Housing across the papers this morning - really startling figures on the front of the Irish Times today from a report from the Housing Commission - we need 62,000 new homes a year, not 33,000 as Housing for All States \\n\\n \\n\\nMeanwhile a separate report from Mitchell McDermott on the construction sector found that a logjam at An Bord Plean\\xe1la has left 59% of 2022 Strategic Housing Development applications yet to be decided upon, which means the future of 29,000 housing units has been stalled. \\n\\nSpeaking to Newstalk Breakfast was Tom Philips is the Managing Director of Tom Philips Associates and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Architecture and Planning at UCD.'