Henry McKean is in the midst of the Oscar celebrations

Published: March 13, 2023, 8 a.m.

b'Last night\\u2019s Oscars had it all, emotion, diversity, and Asian cinema taking over. Ireland won Best Short for an Irish goodbye and Richard Baneham won best special effects for Avatar the Way of Water. \\n\\nEverything Everywhere won 7 awards, cleaning up. With Diversity, Ukraine and the comeback kid winning the night. Henry McKean is at the Oscars and he joins us now. \\n\\nWe crossed live to Hollywood where our reporter, Henry McKean was in the midst of the Oscar celebrations. \\n\\nAlso, it\\u2019s not every day your nephew is in Hollywood at the Oscars! That\\u2019s according to Paul Mescal\\u2019s uncle and Colm Molloy filled us in on what\\u2019s been happening in the family over the last few days.'