Cabinet approval on new maternity hospital expected today

Published: May 17, 2022, 10:01 a.m.

b"Taoiseach Miche\\xe1l Martin has said the Government will not be making any changes to the proposed deal on the new National Maternity Hospital which is expected to get Cabinet approval today\\xa0\\nTony O\\u2019Brien is Former Director General of the HSE and Columnist with the Business Post and he spoke to Ciara on the show this morning.\\nListen and subscribe to Newstalk Breakfast\\xa0on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.\\n\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\nDownload, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App.\\n\\xa0\\xa0 \\nYou can also listen to Newstalk live on or on Alexa, by adding the Newstalk skill and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'."