Are contentious opinions being silenced?

Published: May 23, 2022, 9:26 a.m.

b"Are we heading towards a society in which debate is dying and contentious opinions are being suppressed? That\\u2019s what Special Correspondent with the Irish Examiner, Mick Clifford questioned in his column over the weekend and he spoke to Ciara on the show this morning.\\nListen and subscribe to Newstalk Breakfast\\xa0on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.\\n\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\nDownload, listen and subscribe on the Newstalk App.\\n\\xa0\\xa0 \\nYou can also listen to Newstalk live on or on Alexa, by adding the Newstalk skill and asking: 'Alexa, play Newstalk'.\\n\\n "