Bacteria in Chicken Eggs, Antioxidants and Lifespan, and Maternal Effects on Gro

Published: May 2, 2013, 12:04 p.m.

Episode 12. In this episode we summarise three recent research papers published by Institute members. First we discuss Maureen Bain’s recent work examining the extent to which bacteria may pass through the shells of the chicken eggs we use for food. We then chat about Colin Selman’s recent paper showing that dietary antioxidant supplements may actually decrease lifespan in some animal populations. We then finish up by reviewing Tim Burton’s research examining maternal effects on early growth trajectories in Atlantic salmon. We also touch on whether or not the titles of academic papers have become too “spoilerific”, patent a foolproof device for measuring E. coli levels in grocery store eggs, and propose that living with your parents until your middle age might actually be an optimal life-history strategy.