You’ve been doing winter all WRONG

Published: April 5, 2023, 9:10 p.m.

We’ve all been cloistered indoors… sick of the relentless snow.  Skiers can’t get to half the resorts because of Canyon Closures.  And so we wait for the warmer weather promised for the weekend… and dream of taking a stroll… riding a bike or just sitting on a lounge chair breathing some spring air.
But I think each and every one of us missed an opportunity here.  We all sat around overcome by cabin fever and suffering from the winter blues.    But when snow hit Boston… Kyle Waring had an idea…

I was shoveling

That was back in 2015.  Kyle and his wife launched a website called ship-snow-yo.  They’ll ship the snow from their driveway… anywhere in the US.  So how much are people paying for an honest to goodness pure as the driven snow  … snow?

199.95 of Khyle’s snow

Since 2015 Kyle’s expanded his offerings to include a snowman kit… complete with corn cob pipe ..the button nose… and the snow in a cooler. That’l cost ya $325 dollars.  For a while Kyle was offering a 50lb blizzard in a box.  But that’s sold out.  And that’s the point.  Kyle’s makin’ it rain… 

Over the past 8 years… he’s sold 10-thousand pounds of snow.  Some back-of-the-envelope figuring here..  his joke business has earned him at least a couple hundred thousand dollars.  And expenses are few.  The snow was sitting there on his front lawn.  Now he’s made enjoy money to take a private jet … to Hawaii.  And THAT IS how you cure the winter blues.