Weird Presidential Pets

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 5:46 p.m.

Much is being made of the fact that animals will return to the White House in January. I’m referring to the Biden family pets.  A pair of German Shepards… Major .. and Champ while scamper across the White House lawn from time to time. But they won’t be the first.  When Woodrow Wilson was president… World War I was raging and he wanted to preserve human resources for the fight.  So he brought in a flock of sheep to manage the White House lawn.  The New York Times says that after two years… the sheep were sheared… and each state was given two pounds of wool to auction off for the Red Cross.  It raised $50,000 for the Red Cross.  But humans had to clean up the sheep droppings. Calvin Coolidge had a raccoon.  He used to put it on a leash and walk it after dinner. Herbert Hoover used the raccoon pen as home for his pet oppossum. President Eisenhower had a baby elephant named Dzimbo.   Gift to him by an African leader. The Kennedy’s had Macaroni the Pony. While Washington is often called a swamp… but it might be more accurate to call it a Zoo. See for privacy information.