Tooth Fairy Inflation

Published: March 1, 2023, 12:45 a.m.

It struck me as odd… when I looked at the list of industries where paychecks have… and haven’t kept pace with inflation.  And one of the professions that did the worst… was dentistry.  And turns out it’s true.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics… the price of a dentist visit rose by a mere 3 percent last year…. while the inflation rate was closer to 9 percent.

So next time you sit down in the chair and the dentist revs up that drill… you can think of the bargain you’re getting.

But not so much when it comes to the tooth fairy.  Delta Dental reveals in its annual survey… that when the tooth fairy descends onto your child’s bed… wings aflutter….  the average amount of money she slips under the pillow is 6 dollars and 25 cents.

Across the West… that’s up a whopping 32 percent from a year ago.

Since a child has 20 baby teeth that’s $125 a mouth  If you have three kids… you’re gonna need... the tooth fairy is gonna need 375 dollars. 

10 bucks a tooth is not unheard of.  Three kids… that’s 600 bucks…  so on this national tooth fairy day… I think it’s obvious.  To make ends meet dentists have to gather up the teeth they pull… and put them all under the pillow. Problem. Solved.