The Sudden Not So Surprising Tofu Craze

Published: June 11, 2020, 11:07 p.m.

Are you part of the pandemic tofu craze? Some people swear by it. Some people would rather eat fried rubber bands… which is almost the same thing.. But tofu sales are skyrocketing  - up 67 percent.  Up so much tofu makers have been importing it from South Korea.  These bland rubbery blocks of off-white protein are far cheaper than meat.  But meat has taste.  Tofu does not.  But if you roll enough of it into a sphere… it’d might make a decent basketball After the game enjoy any of the millions of tofu  recipes.  Ohhhh the recipes.  Tofu takes the flavor of whatever you mix it with.  But not really.   Pour Mrs Butterworths on a pancake… it’ll taste like syrup.  But pour ketchup on a pancake and that doesn’t make it a hamburger. Nonetheless… there are recipes abound for enjoying - and I use that word loosely - enjoying tofu.   Sweet or Salty  ones…  Sweet AND salty ones.  There’s spicy …  there’s marinated… there’s Crispy Fried tofu. Any way you cut it or mush it … Tofu *is* good for you.  Protein without the heart-clogging cholesterol should be welcome on our dinner plates.  It’s good news that tofu sales are off the charts…  and as the price of meat skyrockets… it’s thrifty. So thrifty Utahns…  it you can’t wrap your head around tofu for dinner… just think of it as off white jello… and enjoy! See for privacy information.