Food of the Future: Bleh

Published: April 25, 2023, 9:50 p.m.

It’s possible that civilization has run out of ideas for food.  Instead of dreaming-up new dishes… big food is resorting to resizing to make the register ring.   As eating turns to grazing throughout the day… Nestle is now selling what it calls selling smeals.  Smeals.  Small meals… or in their case pint-sized snacks.  Often mashups... Cocoa Puff popcorn. Or Dr. Pepper Cotton Candy.  In business.. they call it brand extension but it’s proof we’re out of ideas.


Look what’s comin’ down the road.  A futurist named Tom Cheesewright… yes… a guy who makes his living predicting the future… says within 20 years… we’ll be eating radically different … pizza.

He says the lack of water for agriculture could lead to pizza dough that uses crushed-up insects for filler.  Do I need to say “lots of protein?”

Your bug pizza crust will be topped by lab-grown meat… the cheese will be charred by laser zapped.  And the craziest part.  Not the first place I’ve heard this.  The pizza won’t come out of the oven…. but from a 3-D printer… that’ll squirt tiny bits of ingredients to build a pizza one tiny glop shot from a printer head at a time…. then it’s laser grilled.

While it’s weird a guy named Tom Cheesewright … is making predictions about pizza. For now, I think I’ll stick with swiss miss lucky charms cereal… and Slurpee donuts