Eating your curds and whey

Published: May 23, 2023, 9:40 p.m.

Cottage cheese ice cream.  Frozen curds of bland… in a creamy swirl of honey.  Delicious ice cream and chocolate chips punctuated by little icy curds of flavorless lumpage?
Does it sound good?  Are you wondering why anyone would go through all the trouble to make such a weird ice cream recipe?

I’m glad you asked.  The short answer is … what goes round comes round. Back in the 1950s… cottage cheese was a diet fat.  Your grandma would eat gobs of the stuff because it’s low in fat and has protein.   In the 1970s… when you go on a diet… you’d load up on cottage cheese to the point where the average American ate five pounds of curd…  per year.  

But tastes change and cottage cheese consumption fell for decades … to the point where each of us - on average - ate half what they used back in the day.  Over the generations… the snow white curds were slowly replaced by low-fat yogurt.   But these kids!

Always seeking the more vintage experience… they’ve circled back to what your grand… and great grandma knew back in the days of black and white tv… that cottage cheese is good for you and is being reborn as a superb health food.  Consumption is rising both straight out of the container… and as part of exotic health recipes… like Cottage Cheese Ice Cream.  Not to lose weight!   Millennials add the white clots of cottage cheese to Scrambled Eggs… and whip up a dip for their chips… always looking for that little hit of protein.

Making use of grandma’s bland little secret… and adding a swirl of peanut butter.  a drizzle of honey… and a millennial twist.