Published: May 9, 2023, 9:40 p.m.

The dating world is brutal.  If you’ve been married for a couple of decades… you probably only have a hint about how insane the world of swiping right or left is… are some of the words we’ve learned from dating apps.

Ghosting.  Catfishing.  When somebody creates a fictitious persona with fake beautiful pictures…. lures you in… then leaves you hanging.

There’s also breadcrumbing.  Where you send short flirty messages — not because you want to meet the person.  But just to keep them on the hook … in case you’re desperate at some later date.

It’s a brutal world full of collectors… those are the ones who try to make enough matches each day to boost their self-esteem… but they have no intention of following up. 

If you’ve been married for decades… what your kids go through on these apps is nothing like asking Daisy Mae to the square dance.  And a new term I just learned… drove the point home.  I mentioned ghosting a moment ago.  Now denizens of the dating app are getting zombied.  Getting Zombied is described perfection by singer-songwriter Mariel Darling.
The guy takes you out … and evaporates.  Months later suddenly he’s back… pestering you to go out.  Most dating experts say it’s not a good idea to dig up a zombie.   Just as its not a good idea to ignore the beige flags.   That’s when it’s pretty clear from their profile that they’re BORING.

One could argue that even before the internet … dating always had its share of drama.  But now the drama moves at the speed of light.