The Consultation

Published: Sept. 9, 2020, 9 a.m.


Hey Party People! Now that you know what the CASE method stands for, let\\u2019s start breaking it down piece by piece. This episode is all about the Consultation. In my design business, the Consultation is all about taking an inventory of what we want a space to look like, what we already have for that space, and what we want for that space.\\xa0


That\\u2019s life, too! We have to take inventory of what is right in our lives, what is wrong in our lives, and where we want our lives to take us. This Consultation step in the CASE method is the most important step as it leads us to creating that roadmap to designing our lives to be what God purposed them to be.


Make sure you\\u2019ve got a way to take notes, Party People, because we\\u2019re diving into the Consultation and asking ourselves those really tough questions.

Show Notes:

[0:40] - Hey Party People! The Party People are the community members that find ways to celebrate and know that life is too short to be stuffy.

[1:52] - If you\\u2019d like to join the Party People community, head over to Instagram!

[2:41] - Jameelah references the first episode of the My Divine Life Podcast and the CASE method she outlines.\\xa0

[3:01] - The first step in the CASE method is the Consultation. Jameelah says this is the most important step because it\\u2019s going to create the roadmap for you.

[3:35] - When you have a plan and mission statement for your life, you are better prepared to make life decisions instead of life just happening to you.

[4:19] - Grab some paper and pencil here and start jotting down your thoughts with Jameelah.

[5:37] - The first thing we want to do is identify the things that are going right. Start by jotting down five things that are going well for you right now. Jameelah gives some great examples.

[6:37] - Next, identify the things that are going wrong that need immediate attention. Do not diminish your feelings on what is going wrong just because you think you should be feeling grateful.

[7:40] - Jameelah uses the late Kate Spade as an example of feelings being diminished.\\xa0

[8:42] - Next, give five possible solutions to those things that are going wrong. This is a braindump, so nothing is too unreasonable for these possible solutions.

[9:30] - Fear is an opportunity to lean towards it and take a risk. Without risk there is no reward.

[10:08] - The beginning of this Consultation step is all about taking inventory of your life. This is the same process of Jameelah\\u2019s design process during which she takes inventory of what clients already own and love.

[10:45] - Jameelah\\u2019s first challenge for you is write down three people who when they call, your face turns up. This is an indication that they probably need to leave, even if just temporarily. Shed the dead weight.

[12:08] - In a dream world, if you had your life\\u2019s desires at your feet and everything was guaranteed, what would your life look like? Jot down 3-5 sentences about what this looks like, including who is with you.

[14:35] - Over time, Jameelah\\u2019s dream list has actually shortened because through her work to achieve them, she\\u2019s become very grateful for what she already has. This has also helped her to achieve an inner peace.

[15:46] - For every line item that you\\u2019ve written down, write down the reason you want those things. Is this something you really want or something you feel you should want? What made you want those things?

[16:33] - It is extremely important to be honest with yourself and retrain your mind to stop doing what others say you should do.

[17:57] - When we demean ourselves, we are trying to beat people to the punch.

[19:34] - Understand that taking care of you benefits everyone else, too.

[20:18] - There is no reward for running yourself into the ground in order to make other people happy.

[21:52] - Tough love is what made Jameelah face herself and ask herself those hard questions.

[23:15] - We make time and set aside money for the things that we want. You need to give yourself the time for yourself and not give yourself any opportunity to make excuses.

[25:23] - If you are listening to this podcast, you are looking to make a change. And change is never comfortable.

[25:59] - Be sure to keep these notes for the next episode of the My Divine Life Podcast. The next step in the CASE method is Anchors.


Links and Resources:
