Gus diZerega on Democracy as a Spontaneous Order

Published: Sept. 25, 2021, 4 p.m.


In this episode of MER, Alex McHugh interview Gus diZerega on his work around democracy as a spontaneous order.

Gus is a retired professor with a Ph.D in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley. He is now an independent scholar and has been involved in an ongoing back and forth on libertarianism with our own Roderick Long.

Read more about Gus diZerega at

Reading list:

  • "Democracies are Spontaneous Orders, not States, and Why It is Important,"\\xa0Cosmos + Taxis, []
  • "Outgrowing Methodological Individualism: Emergence, spontaneous orders, and civil society,"\\xa0Cosmos + Taxis, []
  • "Spontaneous Order and Liberalism\\u2019s Complex Relation to Democracy,"\\xa0The Independent Review, []
  • Ours: The Case For Universal Property, Peter Barnes []
  • "Turning the Tables: The Pathologies and Unrealized Promise of Libertarianism,"\\xa0Molinari Review,\\xa0[]