Abigail Devereaux on Complexity Economics

Published: May 4, 2022, 3:51 p.m.


Abigail joins Mutual Exchange Radio to discuss the connections between complexity economics, systems theory, emergent order, science fiction, and more.

Dr. Abigail Devereaux is a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Economic Growth and Assistant Professor of Economics at Wichita State University. She\\u2019s also affiliated with the Independent Institute, the American Institute of Economic Research, and NYU\\u2019s Classical Liberal Institute. Abigail holds degrees in math in physics, both from Boston University, and had a career in high-tech focusing on complex systems science before getting her economics PhD from George Mason University. She fielded in complexity economics and Austrian economics. Her work these days is interdisciplinary and focused on two research programs: the mathematical and social implications of accelerating technological innovation, and the emergence of spontaneous orders.
