Podcast 15. #CSection, #Top #performer #Qualities, #revenge #bedtime #procrastination, #DeepMind #Breakthrough

Published: Dec. 17, 2020, 2:26 a.m.

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Quick Show Notes,

1. C-Section associated with an increased risk of childhood infection

Give a read, link below!


2. Be your team Top Performer

* They are always on learning mode.

* The unique quality on such resource is always that, they step up.

* They act in best interest of team always.

Not everyone is genius in a team, it is the team effort which makes the team genius.

* Going back to #1, They really understand their work Industry.

3. The psychology behind ‘revenge bedtime procrastination’

Here is the link to an article, do give a read.


4. DeepMind AI solution solved Proteins folding problem

Read the blog here.


That is all for this week. See you again.

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