Podcast 13. #Hyderabad #RealEstate #housingmarket, #Indian #Men #MensHealth #career, #psychological #safety for your #teams.

Published: Nov. 28, 2020, 9:15 p.m.

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Quick Show Notes,

1. Hyderabad Real Estate

2. Indian Men

This is my common thought every time I finish a career book and see a vague gap to relate book advice to Indian Men.

it is very hard for them to take career risks.

Let me know, even you see those advices on career shared to westerner or Indian never match up to Indian reality.  

I just wish the reality is understood by fellow partners, family members, so this issue can be resolved. Just a Men’s day wishes, Women’s day or Mother’s Day wishes for one day will not do much as we know. Reality needs to be fixed.



3. High performing Teams Needs Psychological safety

We can never build a team without having a strong trust within the team. If a team has psychological safety, it allows,

* To take moderate risks in team, which enriches new ideas.

* Team can speak to their mind without being fear of being judged.

* Improved Creativity within team

High performing teams are not available ready, they are made every day in team.

That is all for this week. See you again.

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