#59 How to design your life around your dreams W/ Vickie Leuenberger

Published: March 13, 2023, 1:17 p.m.

In todays exciting episode we explore how to shift to living a lifestyle lead by your passions and dreams. Vickie is an incredible human that decided to follow her dreams of living full time on a sailboat in the Bahamas and the mindset it takes to live a digital nomadic lifestyle. From learning diesel mechanics to chart navigation from the stars. Tune in to learn what it takes to create the life you always dreamed of and the mindset shift required to take on the challenges and become a better version of yourself in process.  If you'd like to work with Vickie you can find her at the links below https://supportsociety.thexennialtraveler.com/1 https://instagram.com/vickie_leuenberger?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=