The Power of Honoring Your Decisions

Published: Oct. 6, 2021, 11:16 p.m.

According to the principles of NLP, you’re living two realities — your internal reality and the external reality. And your external reality is going to align with your internal reality. This is why you’ve heard me say if you want to know how you’re doing on the inside, look at what’s happening in your environment. 


My clients are “getting” this, and they know to look inward when they don’t like what’s happening in their environment.


Case in point — one of my clients is in an industry that requires her to make telephone sales calls. She had been given multiple verbal yeses from potential clients, but these prospects hadn’t signed on the bottom line. So she had verbal agreements but nothing concrete.


Upon reflection, she had a lightbulb moment. Her prospects were not following through with their verbal commitments in the same way that she was not following through with making her sales calls.




This is how it happens. What’s happening internally will be reflected in your environment.


Remember that the unconscious mind is highly moral. It will be faithful to the morality it’s been taught. And I would bet that most of us came from upbringings where we were expected to honor our commitments. And if we didn’t, there may have been some sort of punishment. 


If that’s the case for you, your unconscious mind can “discipline” you when you fail to meet your commitments or honor your decisions. “Discipline” can show up in a myriad of ways. And if you’re paying attention, you can find the connections and make corrections. Remember that your unconscious mind’s job is to get you back on track as defined by what it knows to be true. 


And when you honor your decisions by taking action…

  • You create the container for that action. It may be awkward and uncomfortable at first when you haven’t done it consistently. But the more you do it, the more your container,  the more comfortable you’ll be with the change. 
  • Because perception is projection, the people in your space will honor your decisions too. And sometimes, you’ll see them begin to honor their commitments too.


One of my clients likens this process to a phoenix rising. Honoring your decisions and commitments builds momentum and strength and the internal conviction that “I keep my commitments.” Before long, you’ll have an attitude of “What else can I do? What’s next?” 





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