The Narrow Road to Achieving Excellence

Published: Sept. 5, 2019, 7 a.m.

Can we agree on something? We're not going to get to where we want to be by doing the same stuff we've been doing that isn't working. Agreed? 

It’s like two plus two equals four. You can’t keep adding two and two and expect to get anything but four. If you want a different result, you have to change something.

Change. This is one of the hardest parts of breakthrough work. You can release negative emotions and limiting beliefs -- and that’s an excellent place to start -- but, like it or not, your existing neural pathways still exist. They’re like ruts in the brain. They’re the paths of least resistance for the mind. It feels good, comfortable, familiar, easy to do the same things we’ve always done.

It’s hard to break out of ruts, even when you really want to do so.

But I know you want change; you want something better. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now. You want to see excellence in your life...and you can. It requires two key traits: discipline and self-control.

Identify what you want to change. Determine what are the habits and practices that you’re engaged in that are not supporting your goal.

Then decide what habits and practices you need to implement that will support your new goals. Why? Because it’s not enough to stop doing the same ol’ things that got you nowhere. You need to build a new practice, a new habit that will take the place of the old, bad habits and support your new goals. This is key.  

Focus on your goal. Practice your new habit over and over again. You’ll need to be religious about it. You might need to rearrange some things in your life that will make it difficult to not do the new habit you want to establish. And -- this will be hard -- you’ll almost certainly need to say no to some things. 

This ain’t easy. But it’s so doable. And you are so worth it. 

Practice your new habit for 45 to 60 days and see what happens. I dare you. Once you see that you can do it, once you succeed, once you get a taste of excellence in one area of your out, world!     

Thanks for listening!


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