The Key to Living Your Vision Now

Published: Feb. 16, 2022, 6:05 p.m.

Our mindset can make a challenge feel like a slow mountain climb or make that same challenge feel like a fun learning opportunity. 


This year, one of the themes for my clients inside Soulful Business Revolution has been ease. Everybody in there is focusing on finding more ease so that their goals unfold in a way that feels effortless. They’re discovering that it’s possible to do big things with grace and ease.


I’m tackling some big things myself, and my goals are getting me up early in the morning and keeping me up late at night — for now. 


As I think of my clients creating the changes they want from the inside out, the image that comes to mind is a pressure cooker. Pressure is applied for a duration of time, and during that time, you can’t tell that anything is happening. You don’t get to see any progress until the pressure is released, and — voila — you have the beautiful, delicious finished product!


It’s much the same way with personal transformations. When we’re in the thick of it, we can’t see the progress. Sometimes all we can see is that it’s a challenging time. But when the pressure lifts, we see the result of work that was happening under the lid all along. 


And as you’re on your journey, a results game-changer is living your vision in your mind as if it’s happening now.  This gives clear instructions to your unconscious mind to follow.


What most of us do is look to the future and count the days and months and years until this thing we want shows up.  The problem with that strategy is that talking and thinking about what you want as if it’s coming someday in the future only trains your unconscious mind that what you want is out of reach because, as you’re thinking about it, it is.


When you stubbornly focus on your desired outcome and feel, inside, as if you’re living it now, you give your brain a chance to gather the resources to bring it to fruition. 


You can learn to stay in the essence of what you want, let it permeate your being, and hold on to it.  This is the key to bringing about transformation with ease.  



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