Keeping Those New Year’s Resolutions Alive

Published: Feb. 13, 2020, 6 a.m.

We’re more than a month into the new year. How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? If you’re like most of us, you’ve hit some bumps in the road. 

Maybe you’ve lacked consistency. Maybe you’re feeling discouraged. Or maybe you’re feeling like you bit off more than you can chew and you’re ready to throw in the towel. To that, I say NO WAY! Reject-delete that idea.

You started out with a clean slate and a lot of excitement and momentum...and now it’s getting really tough. Why? Because our old neurological patterns typically outperform that desire to create change.

But that doesn’t mean those patterns can’t be changed. It just means that wishing for them to change is not enough. We have to take action.

So today we’re talking about how to keep going when the going gets tough. No, it’s not just you. Anyone who is trying to make changes has the same uphill battle. The key is to keep taking action consistently and repeatedly.


When you’re trying to implement new habits and reach goals…

  • Remember that you’re dealing with old programming that was handed down to you. Though it was imparted to you with the best of intentions, some of it likely needs to be changed. “Putting self first” is a relatively new idea that we all need to adopt so that we can, first, be our best and, then, bring our best to the world. We’ll serve best when we are at our best. And that means putting you first.
  • You’ve got to remember that creating new patterns and habits means creating new pathways in the brain. You’re running against the ingrained neurology and patterns that you’ve been running for years. To get out of those ruts is going to take work. Repeated work. Lots of repetitions. 

As you take action in the direction you want to go, you will run into obstacles, and you’ll be tempted to skip your new routine for today...and then two days in a row. Next thing you know, you’ll have skipped a week. Then it’s a scramble to get back on the bandwagon!

Instead, when you hit those obstacles, don’t budge. Push against that boundary of the comfort zone. Keep pushing ahead. The breakthrough will come. It will come more quickly and easily if you push through it rather than see-sawing your way back and forth between change and old patterns. Keep yourself in a toward-motivated mindset and posture, continuing to take action. 

 It’s worth it. YOU are worth it. Growth and change are on the other side.

Thanks for listening!


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