Healing Your Relationship with Money

Published: Feb. 3, 2022, 8 a.m.

Last week one of my clients got an unpleasant text and said, “I don’t know why they keep doing that!”


My response was, “Let’s read that text again and pretend like it’s your unconscious mind talking to you.” 


We uncovered some ideas that she had believed for a long time, but she had been looking at it from "It's them and not me." And when she embraced "This is me because my unconscious mind is me," then we were able to do some magnificent work. 


Metaphors and symbols are the language of the unconscious mind. Carl Jung and Milton Erickson would say that your whole life experience is one big metaphor. 


Let’s use money as an example because it’s tangible. If your life experience is a metaphor, what does your experience with money tell you about the patterns you’re running inside?


I use my souped-up version of NLP time techniques in my client work to uncover long-existing patterns and beliefs that no longer serve them. We glean what learnings we can take away from experiences, then release negative emotions and eliminate the limiting beliefs. And all of this is facilitated by communicating with their unconscious mind. Our work is to connect to the meaning behind the symbols embedded in the metaphor their unconscious mind is using to show us the problem.


I’ve been doing this work for a long time. Releasing negative emotions at an unconscious level is not a one-and-done event. So, before recording this episode, I decided to release negative emotions around money. I didn't really feel any, but I've done this several times since I grew up with boatloads of limiting beliefs around money. 


To my surprise, my unconscious mind revealed an intriguing metaphor that you’ll hear all about in today’s episode. It blew my mind. The metaphor includes a petite man who has shut himself off from society, a hole in a wall, and a flower that is actually much more than just a flower. Here are some of the learnings reaffirmed by my unconscious mind:


  • Money is energy.
  • What we believe about and expect from money is what we’ll get.
  • We project our perceived shortcomings onto money.


Most of us have learned through our lived experience that you have to work hard for money, that money is elusive, that money is difficult to save, and that there’s never enough money. Some of us may have even believed that people with a lot of money are bad or dishonest.


This episode is about stepping into consciousness, recognizing your limiting money beliefs, and healing your relationship with money. Remember, just because your unconscious mind believes something doesn’t mean it’s true. I want to help you shift through your ideas about money, hold onto the ones that serve you, let go of the ones that don’t, and adopt new beliefs around money that will help you get to where you want to go. 


This is a process, and I’m right in there with you! 



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