5 Practices for Cultivating Prosperity

Published: May 15, 2020, 7 a.m.

Few of us grew up in environments of prosperity and abundance. I certainly didn’t. And what I’ve learned over the years is that those of us who didn’t grow up in a near-constant state of prosperity have limiting beliefs around money and abundance. And we can break free from limiting situations when we can break free from their corresponding limiting beliefs.

Prosperity has to be cultivated. We have to work to create it in our lives...and the work that I’m talking about begins with changing our beliefs and focus. 

In today’s episode I share five practices for cultivating prosperity in your life. Here we go…

  1. Be mindful of your thoughts, especially the automatic, negative ones. Remember that the unconscious mind brings into your experience only and exclusively the essence of your focus. Use our free resources to rewrite each negative thought and limiting belief. When you begin to focus on what you want, you’ll find that you have more of the essence of that thing in your life experience. Instead of focusing on what you don’t want, put your focus on what you do want...and see what happens.
  2. Be mindful of your words. Language doesn’t just label experience. Language determines experience. 
  3. Practice appreciation and gratitude. Start with appreciating yourself and your journey. Find things to love and appreciate about where you are right now. 

You have breath in your body -- appreciate that! 

Notice the beautiful things in the people around you -- appreciate them. 

Find beauty in the nature around you, in your habitat, in your comfy clothes… 

Notice, appreciate, and be grateful. 

  1. Focus on what’s going right. Notice what you do well, and celebrate the small wins. Practice making “feedback sandwiches,” where you recognize what you’re doing great, identify a small improvement that can be made, and end on another high note of praise. Keep a positive perspective by “sandwiching” what can be improved in between the good stuff. 
  2. Create and prosperity mantras to rewrite negative beliefs and to train your unconscious mind to embrace abundance.

In the end, this really isn’t just about money. It’s about you living your life in the way that brings you the most fulfillment. Changing your beliefs and focus will take discipline and perseverance. And you and your life’s purpose are worth the effort.


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