Trump Inspired Her To Act; Then She Decided To Run

Published: Jan. 8, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

Like millions of her fellow Americans, Liuba Grechen Shirley was disgusted to see a man who bragged about sexual assault on tape become President of the United States. As a mother of two young children, she was immediately driven to take action. She founded a Facebook group that gained hundreds of members within the first few weeks alone. By the time the Trump administration issued the first Muslim ban, Liuba's group had grown to thousands. They protested the ban outside the office of Peter T. King, the Republican currently representing New York's 2nd congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. Rather than engage with his constituents, King, a supporter of the Muslim ban, ducked out of his office. But due to the media coverage of Liuba's protest, she was able to secure a meeting with King, in which he argued against actually listening to his constituents. So Liuba decided to take things into her own hands. Never having considered running for public office before, she launched her candidacy for New York's 2nd, aiming to unseat King after 25 years. We spoke with Liuba on the podcast about her campaign, the sexual harassment she has experienced as an activist and even on the campaign trail, how being the granddaughter of refugees shapes her views on immigration, and more.