Kerri Evelyn Harris, Civil Rights Activist for Delaware Senate

Published: April 12, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

Tom Carper has been in elected office since 1977. The last election in which he faced a primary challenger, he cruised to victory with 87.8% of the vote. A Bill Clinton-style moderate, Carper's corporate centrism is perfectly embodied by his recent vote for a bank regulation bill that enables racial discrimination and hurts homebuyers. Yet for four decades, progressives have been unable to hold him accountable for prioritizing the rich and powerful over the real Americans he's supposed to be representing. Kerri Evelyn Harris wants to change that. A 38-year-old biracial lesbian civil rights activist and veteran, Kerri is mounting a primary challenge to Carper from the left. Running on a progressive platform that prioritizes single-payer healthcare, economic justice, and civil rights. As co-founder of the Delaware Civil Rights Coalition, a member of the Delaware Human Relations Commission, and Air Force veteran, Kerri's record is a far cry from Carper's career politicking. Additionally, if elected, Kerri would be the first openly queer woman of color ever to serve in Congress. Kerri joined us on the podcast to discuss her insurgent candidacy, her intersectional justice platform, and her perspective on imperialist American foreign policy as a veteran.