What does true love feel like?

Published: Jan. 31, 2022, 11:35 a.m.

When we consider that a person is the smallest unit of a society and that within the framework of a person is held any idea of a family or society, then a heartbreak is the fabric of the body of a person getting hurt and is so only to the extent of the hurt remaining unhealed. Only a hurt person hurts (others or themselves). Standing upright on two feet against gravity, human beings are prone to inflammation and that means getting pelted and hurt by all kinds of particles in the environment. The difference between one person and another is the care taken to heal the effects of environment on the person such that they continue to function healthy enough to take care of others around them. ‘Heartbreak,’ hence, is inevitable. Question is how well and soon do you heal? With Nirbeeja Yoga®️, taking care of the inflammation is a routine thing using nothing but true love, as is attempted to be described in the audio. Check out our website and learn to have a noninflammatory presence using nothing if you truly want to learn to have true love in your life. It has its own learning curve, but a beautiful life is what is guaranteed from learning to do the right thing. Shalom.