Shiva Sati Parvathi and evolution of Love

Published: June 28, 2021, 7:16 a.m.

Love is said to be a flame of yellow light where yellow light is mid range between black and white light, like a namasthe or Sandhya/twilight. Imbalance into white or black light causes sukha or dukha and both in imbalance leads to chaos. When balanced, order comes about from chaos and that is called a life. Just like how our body formed from All That There Is into a human structure, and has the DNA from mother and father, it is in brining harmony between opposites that order in life comes about from chaos {unknown order}of where so ever and whatsoever circumstances we are born into. The marriage begins from every attempt at bridging gaps between our own idea of masculine and feminine, nature and nurture, their versus our Work of bringing non-violence, peace, harmony, congeniality in our family and societal experiences. Every male or female who makes an effort in this direction is being loyal in their marriage and to the family of Earth that we are born into and will live into. Separation into your family and mine is where the strifes began that led us to having countries separated at borders by people holding weapons. One step at a time, one moments at a time, one breath at a time, we will be EarthFamily again. I am at Work, you see?