Episode 55: M.M. I Say You Have It!

Published: Nov. 28, 2020, 3 a.m.

This episode is a short speech intended for anyone who has ever felt up a creek without a paddle. Today in this morning musing I share my belief that if you love what you have and use it-- with that mindset it will be enough. I share an experience I had fishing with my boys: my fellow fishermen on the dock said, "I didn't have enough line to catch fish"- in fairness the line I did have wasn't very long-with little to spare but we kept at it and ended up catching a lot of fish. Despite multiple recommendations to quit we didn't, someone lent us some slightly better bait and voila, success! Remembering this day brings me a lot of optimism when I feel flooded and doubting, "is what I have enough?" I find it very easy to defer to the authority of others and let someone else determine, "is this enough, can I enter the arena?" I love the thought enough is as good as a feast, and as Julie Andrews poignantly observed in an interview with her daughter "if we can be grateful in our life for what is working amidst trying to tackle what isn't life feels a lot more bearable." I've started thinking now, "if you feel up a creek without a paddle- use what you got and maybe see if you can borrow someone's chair!" Don't let anyone say you can't try! Nobody puts baby in a corner and if you ask me, I say you have it! Believe it!

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