Overlapping Realities and Vaxxidents

Published: May 11, 2021, 7:52 a.m.

New Podcast - Reality Split I started a new podcast, called Reality Split Podcast, which looks at the big picture of life in this global transition. It's a shift away from the deeper introspections that few understand at this time; it's not so metaphysical, but more about day-to-day life in the ascending/diverging collective, which is all about the evolution of the communites in which we live. Reality Split Podcast: https://anchor.fm/reality-split The more metaphysical insights and healing sessions will remain here on Patreon, while the general, shorter Merkaba Carpet updates will continue in podcast, here: https://anchor.fm/merkaba-carpet Website re. the police officer (CLICK THE MEME LINK) https://realitysplitpodcast.wordpress.com Thanks for your support!