Dig Deep

Published: Dec. 22, 2020, 3:02 p.m.

Have you ever encountered something so profoundly awesome that it drew your attention and you could not seemingly look away from it? It could be a school you attended, a person you were attracted to, a home remodeling project, or just a place you wanted to travel to.

Something that causes you such great Focus that you are willing to make whatever sacrifice necessary to achieve. Something that grips you. Changes you. 

When is the last time you went deep? I mean really tested yourself. Entering into it knowing that you could fail but moving forward anyway?

This weekend I was able to witness something truly incredible. I watched one individual who set such a lofty goal that is taking them multiple years to achieve it. They set out on this goal believing they could make it every single time it was their intent.

The goal, while seemingly crazy and virtually impossible for the majority of people, isn't necessarily the target of this discussion.

The intention and action towards that goal is our discussion.