The Curse is the Blessing with Forrest Rivers - Episode 221

Published: Aug. 9, 2021, 9 a.m.

The effects of COVID are undeniable. There has been real suffering. However, on the flipside, suffering can bring you closer to your life's purpose.

Have you found that you can no longer avoid dealing with the things you need to deal with? Has the pandemic led you to look at your true priorities?

In this episode, Forrest Rivers joins host Ian Lobas to discuss the importance of taking inventory every day to examine what gives you a sense of meaning and what is aligned with your higher purpose. In this process, you also assess the things that you can take out of your life that aren't moving you forward and you identify your goals.

In his new book ‘COVID 19 and Humanity's Spiritual Awakening’, Forrest explores the myriad ways in which the virus served to awaken the seeds of truth, wisdom and the acknowledgement of our common roots as one human family.

If you haven’t yet set aside time for daily prayer or meditation to slow your mind down, this episode will inspire you to adopt a new way to start your day.

When you’re done listening, be sure to check out our other amazing shows on shifting your life, including One Simple Shift Could Change Your Whole Life and Step Into Discomfort, Not Distraction.

In this episode you will learn about

13:50 - Ego and identity

16:16 - Higher purpose

18:25 - Why it’s important to face the uncomfortable truths about yourself

21:51 - The two choices we have in the moment

23:03 - Community compassion/Empowering ourselves to help others

38:25 - Made-up distraction

42:05 - How to take inventory of your life through daily prayer, journaling, etc.


COVID-19 and Humanity's Spiritual Awakening by Forrest Rivers

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