Weekly Digest: Eastern vs. Western Medicine

Published: March 4, 2021, 11:30 a.m.


Through experience, Britt has found there are often common misconceptions between Eastern and Western medicine, viewing the two as one or the other. Whereas the benefits of utilizing a blend of both Eastern and Western medicine is truly so beneficial to the overall health of an individual. In fact, some highly regarded medical institutions throughout the U.S. are incorporating the use of both and seeing phenomenal results. The differences in the two forms of practice compliment one another, balancing out what the other may lack. Breaking down the two commonly looks like:\\xa0


Eastern Medicine:\\xa0

  • Believed to have originated around 5,000 years ago
  • Views the body as a garden that needs constant attention and care
  • Meant to help enhance the self regulatory capacity of our bodies
  • Uses whole foods and herbs to aid in the body\\u2019s healing of itself
  • Based around listening and responding to the body as a whole


Western Medicine:

  • Developed into its current form around the 19th century\\xa0
  • Views the body as a machine
  • Defines healthy as an absence of disease
  • Focuses on specialties and certain areas of the body rather than the body as a whole

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