Placebo and Patches

Published: Nov. 16, 2023, 1:37 a.m.

A couple of weeks ago, Darlene Green came onto the program and told us about these miracle patches that reflect the body's naturally-emitted lightwaves back at itself, which supposedly increases Glutatione production and thereby stimulates the activation of stem cells in the body to heal all kinds of stuff. That's the narrative. Is it true? Jodielynn and Walt have ordered the patches and plan to try them out for ourselves. Walt talks about trying to speed up the healing of his Achilles tendon that has been giving him problems for the past half year. Jodielynn reveals issues that she's had in the past few years with ectopic pregnancies that have prevented her from having the children she wants to have with her husband, Nate. She plans to use the patches for that purpose. But in today's show, we talk about how this flies in the face of Western medicine. Included in the conversation is a quick flit through early American medical history. complete with speculation as to how we arrived at the current state of medicine today. In the end, we're just going to use what we always preach here on the program:  the power we all have to use our own minds to heal ourselves. And we will keep you apprised of our progress in future episode conversations. Follow the LOA Today podcast: